After months of hard work on your application and studying for the DAT, your phone rings and the call that you’ve been waiting for finally arrives. A dental school representative is on the other end of the phone congratulating you on your achievements and inviting you to interview at their school.
You’re elated to hear the news and spread it like wildfire to all of your family and friends. After your excitement level comes back down and you’ve set your interview date, you wonder “What am I going to do now to prepare for my interview?”
You only have a few weeks or less to figure out how to get to your interview and how to prepare for it. You’ve come too far and have accomplished too much to not do well at your interview and give yourself the best chance at getting an acceptance offer.
Just as you have spent a lot of time preparing for the DAT by understanding the test format and timing, you need to spend time preparing for the interview and understand its format. I’ll take you through everything you need to consider and do in order to be prepared to CRUSH your dental school interview!
What is Being Assessed at the Interview?
Interview Types
Interview Questions
What to Bring to the Interview
Interview Prep Materials
The dental school interview is the one opportunity that you have as an applicant to sell yourself and establish a connection with the dental school. It is the only chance you get to see the school and meet the faculty in person. The interview can determine whether you get an acceptance offer or not. It is crucial to do well on it and be fully prepared.
Most dental schools begin interviewing applicants in September at the earliest and continue to do so through the end of March, but sometimes into April and May. Interviews are typically only held on weekdays so be prepared to miss some school or work in order to attend your interviews. After being notified of your invitation to interview you will select a date if more than one option is available to interview at a school. Interview days are typically held at the end of the week on a Friday, but may also be held on other days during the week depending upon the school.
Every school is different in how they conduct interviews and how many students they have interview at a time. A school may invite only a handful of applicants to interview or it may have fifty or more applicants all interviewing on the same day. This will vary by school. Typically a dental school will interview 3-4 students per available seat at that school. The number of interviews offered by a school can vary as well.
On average, about 30-40% of students interviewed will be accepted at a dental school. This also varies by school and some schools, such as University of the Pacific, have a very high rate of acceptance offers granted to students who interviewed at their school. Schools will accept more students than can actually attend their school, because many students will be accepted at multiple schools and will turn down some offers of acceptance.
Most schools will typically give a definitive period of time, such as 30 days upon acceptance, for the student to elect whether or not to accept the offer of acceptance at their school. Along with a time period that the student has to respond within, the student will also most likely have to place a deposit down to reserve their seat when accepting an offer to dental school. This deposit is typically several hundred dollars and is non-refundable.
Because each admissions office will determine how many candidates are scheduled for a specific interview day, the structure of the interview may depend on how many interviewers are scheduled to meet with the candidates. The actual interview typically lasts between 15-60 minutes and can be conducted in a variety of formats which I will touch on later.
What is Being Assessed at the Interview?
The interview provides the school the opportunity to assess you as an applicant in person. As a dental school applicant you only exist upon paper up until the interview. Everything on your application, your scores, grades, achievements, service, etc., is what earns you an invitation to interview at dental school. Your interview is the opportunity for the school to see and find out what they can’t learn about you from your application.
Everyone that is interviewing has earned the opportunity to interview by making it pass the application review process and being offered an interview. It doesn’t matter what your GPA or your DAT scores are while interviewing, you’ve made it past the first cut and the dental school wants to see who you are as a person now and if you possess the skills necessary to be a dentist. Everyone that interviews is essentially on an equal level and the interview is the time to shine and stand out from the rest.
I know of candidates that have done extremely well in school and on the DAT and received multiple interview offers from school, but were not accepted at any school because they struggled at their interviews. They might have been book smart and looked great on paper, but they struggled in the interview and lacked the skills that a dental school wants in a candidate. There is also the opposite, applicants that don’t appear to be the most qualified on paper, yet they do well during their interview and have the skills that a dental school wants so they get accepted. It really is important to be prepared and do well at your interview.
Once you step foot into a dental school your interview has started even if you haven’t talked to anyone yet. You will be assessed by every person at that school – faculty, staff and students. Always be professional and respectful! Be professional in all settings throughout the interview.
If you have lunch with dental students then continue to be professional and respectful towards them. Don’t talk about how the party life is out at the school, or ask how many hot girls there are at the school. You are always being assessed by someone at the school. The dental students are interviewing you as you are eating lunch with them or touring the campus with them. They can and will sometimes report back to administration about candidates interviewing at their school and these reports can help or hurt candidates.
Throughout the interview day at the dental school you will be assessed for certain skills, the skills that a dental school typically assesses for are:
- Maturity and Responsibility
- Strong Interpersonal Skills
- Confidence
- Self Awareness
- Empathy
- Academic Readiness
- Dexterity and Perceptual Skills
This isn’t necessarily a conclusive list of skills that may be assessed at the interview, but these are skills that a dental school likes to see in a candidate. A dental school wants to know that: you are capable of handling a heavy and stressful course load in dental school, you can effectively communicate with other people, you are self-confident, you can overcome challenges, you work well with others in a group setting, you have manual dexterity and perceptual ability skills, etc. These are some of the crucial skills that will be assessed.
Be Prepared
You need to be prepared for your interview. Once you find out where you will be interviewing at then you need to start preparing for that school. Every school is unique and you will have to prepare differently for each school you interview at. The best thing to do to start preparing for your interview is to contact your pre-health advisor or contact the dental school directly and find out everything you can about the interview process.
You will be sent information about your interview, but if you still have questions then contact the school to find out. I would also contact any family or friends that have went to that school or are familiar with it. Contact anyone you know that lives in that area and see if they can share with you any information about the school or even the area. Find out everything you can about the school and the area where the school is located.
You should show an interest in the school and area at which you are interviewing. The more you know about the school and the area the more it will show during your interview. A dental school may be excited about a candidate and really want them to come to their school, but if the candidate doesn’t seem to know anything about their school and shows no interest in it during the interview then they will most likely lose interest in you. The more excited and interested you are in a school the more the school will want you to go there.
Review your application before your interview, know it inside and out. It is likely that you will be asked questions based on your submitted materials and information in your application. Know yourself and be able to explain your unique abilities that make you a good leader. Share your interests, including volunteer experiences or activities that have made you a well-rounded person. Know why you want to go to dental school. Be able to clearly and confidently share why you are pursuing this profession.
Know what type of interview will be conducted at the school. Contact the school or those familiar with the school and ask what format the interviews are so you can properly prepare. Each type of interview requires different preparation.
Why is this dental school the best place for you? You should know why and be able to clearly express it in the interview. Research the school and learn about its curriculum, professors, specialty training, etc. You need to be able to convince the interviewer(s) why this is the place for you.
Be familiar with key issues in dentistry and current events happening in the world. Show that you are invested in dentistry and are a well-rounded candidate. You may be asked questions about these issues, such as mid-level providers, or you may be asked about current events, such as the war on terror. You never know what you may be asked during the interview, but you should be prepared and show that you are passionate about dentistry and are well-rounded.
Those conducting the interview are typically faculty at the dental school that are participating in the admissions process. Some schools will have dental students or alumni involved formally with interview evaluations or informally to field general questions about their school. Admissions, student affairs and financial aid staff also occasionally assist with interviews.
Before you interview if they give you any information about the interviewers or faculty then study it thoroughly to get some background information on these individuals. If they have anything in common with you then make sure to find a way to bring that up during your interview. Establish a connection with your interviewer(s) and help them see why you are a perfect fit for their school. This will be so helpful to you and can seal the deal for you on getting accepted at the school.
Interview Types
Many schools will conduct “open file” interviews. This means that the evaluator will have a chance to look over your AADSAS application and any secondary application or supplemental materials the day before meeting with you. This way, the interviewer can gain insight into what you bring to the table in your conversations and explore elements of your application in greater depth. Some schools may exclude any transcript or DAT scores when distributing your file so that an interviewer will avoid fixating on low grades during the interview.
Other schools will conduct “closed file” interviews. In this format, the evaluators interview each candidate without looking at all at the applicant’s file. Because the evaluator is blinded to your application, the conversation is expected to be more organic and exploratory.
Sometimes an interviewer will have access to your file but will prefer to review it after interviewing you. This way, the interviewer gets to know you as a person before reviewing your entire application on paper. Technically such interviews are considered “open file” even though the conversation is conducted “closed-file.”
Another format that has been gaining popularity is the “multiple mini-interview” (MMI). In this case, candidates rotate between stations every 7-10 minutes where they are confronted with a new question. Some of the questions may be associated with hypothetical situations while others may be task-oriented. Every candidate is given the same question or scenario, and each evaluator judges each candidate on the specific question that is asked. The evaluator may also interact with the candidate through follow-up questions.
Traditionally, the interview has been conducted with one evaluator questioning one candidate. Sometimes the interviews are conducted with a panel of two or three evaluators for each candidate. Panel interviews may also mix “open” and “closed” file formats as one panel interviewer might have access to your file while the other is blinded to your file.
More recently, some schools have adopted interview formats that have been created to assess more group dynamics in an interview. As a result, group interviews, in which an evaluator asks questions to three or more candidates, are becoming more common. Sometimes there is a second evaluator who can help facilitate the discussion.
There are different types of interviews and every school is unique in how they conduct the interview. Find out beforehand what type of interview will be conducted and then prepare for it. It would be extremely helpful to hold a mock interview beforehand that is conducted the same way that you will have your actual interview.
Interview Questions
Doing well in the interview is about being an effective communicator, prioritizing the points you want to make and being able to talk intelligently about these topics that don’t necessarily have a right or wrong answer.
Interview evaluators often have the task of asking candidates similar or identical questions in order to allow the evaluator to fairly judge each candidate’s responses. Common questions that are expected include, “Tell me about yourself,” “Identify your greatest weakness,” and “Why are you interested in dentistry?” Some evaluators have a pre-determined set of questions that are required to ask every candidate while others employ a more conversational style where questions are asked spontaneously.
I have put together a list of questions that have been asked in dental school interviews. Review this list, write down main points that you want to hit on while answering the questions, and practice answering them to someone or to even your bathroom mirror. You will find that a majority of your answers go back to the same topics. For example, you can take most questions and find a way to lead them back to highlighting your strengths.
Once you can talk about your strengths you can explain why those are your strengths by talking about your experiences and recounting your volunteer or clinical experiences. Remember to emphasize those critical skills that a dental school wants in a candidate and establish a connection with your interviewer(s) at the same time.
Here is the list of questions that have been asked in interviews and I put questions that appear more commonly in interviews at the top of the list.
- Tell me about yourself.
- Why do you want to be a dentist?
- Why do you think you would make a good dentist?
- What would you do if you saw one of your close friends in your dental class cheating on a test?
- How do your experiences match well with our school’s mission statement?
- What are your three greatest strengths and three greatest weaknesses? (This is a difficult question to answer and it is asked a lot in interviews. The most common answer that students give is that they overload themselves with too much stuff in their lives and wear themselves out. This is a good answer, but they hear it all the time. I would try to identify several weaknesses in yourself that are true weaknesses, but not things that make you look bad. Avoid things like: I’m always late and not prepared, or I procrastinate a lot.)
- Why this dental school?
- Tell me about a time…. You had to work in a group? Had to deal with a problem? Solved a problem? Had to be a leader? Were not satisfied with your performance? Had to make a difficult decision?
- Have you had any experience with dentistry? What has it taught you about the profession? Why is it the right fit for you?
- What differentiates you from the rest of the applicants?
- I like you and this all sounds great, but what can I go back and tell the admissions committee that will convince them that we want you in our upcoming class?
- Why did you apply to our dental school?
- What type of dental program are you interested in?
- What did you think about our school (ie. facilities, program)?
- In the past, what has happened to you that has made the biggest impact on your life?
- Can you explain the (A-F) grade you received in this class?
- We noticed you withdrew from a class, why?
- Why did you decide to major in…?
- Your grades slipped your ___ semester, any reason?
- Dentists require a great deal of hand coordination. Do you have any relevant experience?
- Do you think the role of a dentist has changed, and how so?
- Did you consider applying to medical school?
- Why not medical school or another medical profession?
- If you had unlimited money for a day what would you do with it?
- If you are relocating, what do you think of our school’s location?
- How did your friends/family react to your interest in dentistry?
- Do you have any friends or family who are dentists?
- Do you have any plans after graduation?
- What would make you happy 10 years from now?
- If you had to change anything about yourself, what would it be?
- How do you spend your free time?
- What do you do to relax?
- How do you think the dental profession has changed over the last 25 years?
- What book have you read recently?
- Who is your favorite author?
- What types of books do you enjoy reading?
- What would you say was the best day or experience you ever had?
- What do you do when you are stressed out?
- How do you see yourself, what are your good characteristics?
- If you could have dinner with any two individuals that are not related to you and are either dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Ask Questions
Your interview should confirm which school is right for you. Your interview is not only the opportunity for the dental school to interview you, but for you to interview the dental school. You should try imagining yourself in the school and city. You’ll be there for at least four years. Also, consider the type of experiences you want to have while you are there, along with the cost and how you’ll be paying for it.
Almost universally, the interviewer will end the interview by asking you, “Do you have any more questions ?”. By this point you are tired, and would be more than happy not to ask any further questions. But…don’t ruin the dental interview by answering “No, I don’t”. It is essential to end the dental interview in a positive manner by asking at least one last question to show your genuine interest in their school. However, don’t ask questions that have already been answered during the interview and respect your interviewer’s time by not asking too many questions at the end.
Here are some examples of good questions to ask at the conclusion of an interview:
- In your opinion, what would you say dental students like most about your school of dentistry?
- I have an interest in ______ dentistry (cosmetic or whatever you may be interested in). Are concepts of ______ dentistry incorporated into the dental school curriculum?
- Do you foresee any significant changes to the dental school curriculum within in the next year or two?
- What opportunities do dental students have to pursue a research project during their studies here?
- Do dental students rotate through different types of dental clinics such as VA dental clinics, inner city dental clinics, private dental offices, etc.?
- What specialty programs are available?
- What is the student-to-faculty ratio?
- What is the average class size?
- What is the grading system? Is it pass/fail or are letter grades issued?
- Can you outline the expected tuition and expenses?
- What is the school’s culture like?
- Describe the clinical experiences — when do they begin and what kind of patients do we serve?
- Is there research funding available?
- What regional board exams do your students take?
- Does the school use emerging technology?
- Will any classes be taken with medical students?
- What is your policy on participating in outside activities of organizations such as ASDA?
There are also questions that you should not ask at the end of your interview. Questions that show a lack of confidence in yourself or a lack of passion and commitment to dental school should definitely be avoided. These are questions that you can ask someone else that is in no way involved with the interview at the school. Here are a few examples of bad questions that you should avoid asking:
- How long is the summer break between first and second year of dental school?
- How many days of vacation do we get?
- Can you advise me if I will be able to pay back my school loans after I graduate?
- What are my chances of acceptance to your dental program?
- How does my GPA compare to others that you are interviewing?
- Is my DAT score high enough?
At the conclusion of your interview ask for a business card from everyone that you interviewed with. Then send a thank you card to each person. Let them know you appreciated the opportunity to interview at the school. Re-emphasize the things that interest you about the school and this is also an opportunity to ask any follow-up questions that you may have.
What to Bring to the Interview?
Many interviewing candidates like to bring notebooks and portfolios with them featuring papers they have published, photographs of creative work or an updated resume. You should check with the school that invites you to interview about its preferences in relation to bringing supplemental materials to the interview.
Here are a few suggestions for things that you can bring along with you to make sure your interview day goes as smoothly as possible.
- Book: Interview days often involve a lot of traveling and waiting. After arriving at the dental school, you shouldn’t be on your phone, you should be reading through all the information that you were given. If you’ve read through everything and still have time to kill you could always pull out a good book. It will not only give you something to do before your interview day starts, but it can also be a great conversation starter. However, once the day begins, it is also a good idea to be social and get to know the other interviewees.
- Mirror: You don’t want the piece of bagel stuck in your teeth from breakfast to be the first impression you make. A quick look in a mirror can prevent that from happening.
- Mints: Sometimes interviews are right after a meal. After making sure your teeth are clean make sure your breath leaves a good impression too. Also, offering mints to your fellow interviewees is an easy way to make friends. It’s better to have a mint in your mouth then to have a piece of gum. It’s tacky to chew gum during an interview so don’t do it, you don’t want to make a bad impression on the interviewer by chomping on gum.
- Snack: You might be too nervous to eat breakfast, and there is usually a packed schedule before lunch. You’ll be glad you have a snack with you, in case your stomach starts rumbling a few minutes before your interview starts.
Something supplemental to add to your application: Chances are you will have done something impressive since submitting your application, or there is something you did prior that you couldn’t fit into your AADSAS application. Having something to add to your application during your interview will show that you’ve still been working hard and have even more to offer as an applicant. Some examples include a volunteer project you’re working on, an article you’ve written, or an update to research you’ve been conducting. - Pen & paper: You will be given a lot of information about the school that you will want to write down and remember. Also, faculty and dental students will often give out their email addresses in case you have questions after the interview. Having a pen and paper on you will definitely come in handy.
- Weather gear: Each school will take you on a tour of their facilities, some of which will include going outside. Check the weather in advance and bring along anything you may need, such as sunglasses or an umbrella.
- The Right Attitude: It is important to have a good attitude, and to be warm and friendly to everyone you interact with at your interview. Remember, everyone will be assessing you and taking note of how you handle yourself and interact with them as well as the other interviewees.
Body Language
Your body language during the interview is just as important as your ability to formulate intelligent responses and express them verbally to the interviewer(s). You need to thoroughly prepare and practice how you are communicating to the interviewer(s) through your body language. Sit up straight and have good posture. Try not to have any nervous habits like a restless hand, foot, or weird facial expressions.
Look into the interviewer(s) eyes, if it makes you uncomfortable or you forget what you’re saying then practice speaking to someone while looking at one of their ears. Sometimes when I was looking into peoples eyes during mock interviews I would forget what I was talking about or going to say and so I would look at their ears instead and no one can ever tell the difference.
Be Yourself
You need to be yourself during the interview, everyone says it and it’s true. Balance honesty with being humble. Don’t be arrogant and annoying. Be sincere and passionate. Don’t say hmm or any other filler words. Don’t talk too fast, take a second and formulate your thoughts and answers before responding to questions. It’s okay to tell the interviewer(s) that you need a moment if necessary while responding to questions, but don’t pause for too long after they ask the question, just a few seconds to gather your thoughts and formulate a quality answer.
Just relax at your interview, there is no need to get worked up and let your nerves fluster you during the interview. If you get nervous or feel that you are getting anxious then take a few deep breaths and relax. Take three deep breaths through your nose and exhale slowly. This is one of the most helpful things to do to calm yourself down and get yourself under control. Try it out and see how it works for you.
Be Professional
I said it before and I’ll say it again, be professional; at all times and at all places during the interview. Dentistry is a professional career and dental schools only want professional people at their school. Professionalism is expected in all things, including: your attitude, your dress, your speech, your demeanor, and your interactions with people.
Dress to impress while at your interview. Dress in business professional attire. Men should wear a suit or a coat and tie. Women should wear a suit or skirt and jacket. Do not wear flashy-colored suits or anything over the top. Keep it classy!
Mock Interview
I would highly suggest having a mock interview before your actual interview. Practice, practice and practice. The more you practice responding to the type of questions that you could be asked during your interview the more comfortable you will be at your actual interview. Your ability to formulate your thoughts and respond to questions will improve as well as your body language and making sure that you are effectively communicating with the interviewer and getting across the points that you want to emphasize about yourself.
Set up a mock interview with the same interview format that you will have for your actual interview. Have a friend or family member act as the interviewer for you. Or if you have access to a career services office at your undergraduate institution, you may want to schedule a session with a career advisor for a mock interview.
Interview Prep Materials
Pre-health offices typically have some resources as well that you can use in order to prepare for an interview. These might be online services that allow you to conduct mock interviews with interview prep companies or it could be a book that offers tips for interviews. Check with your pre-health office to see what they have and take advantage of any resources you can get your hands on. Also, make sure to check out the resources listed below for help in preparing for your interview.
IPrep Dental
iPrep Dental is an online dental school interview prep company. They are the leading dental school interview prep company in the nation and help about 400 pre-dental students and international dentists every year prepare for the dental school interview. They have a 97% success rate in getting their clients into dental school. They offer three different packages ranging from $150 – $350. They are definitely not cheap, but if you need the help then they can definitely prepare you and show you how to ace your dental school interview.
The only difference between the three packages is the number of mock interview and critique sessions that you get with it. The Basic package gives you one customized mock interview with one of their interview experts and one critique session for feedback following your mock interview. The Advanced package gives you two sessions of each type, and lastly with the Ultimate package you get three sessions of each type. The Basic package starts at $150 and each package goes up by $100. They also offer a Motivational call for a small fee which will provide you with a last minute prep call before your interview and review of what you are most likely to encounter at your interview.
The mock interview is a 30 minute interview that is customized to each particular dental school (with the most frequently asked questions in that school), and is also based on the applicant’s DAT score, GPA and personal statement. The mock interview is then followed by a 45 minute critique session where each applicant is coached on how to modify each response to be able to stand-out and shine with their strengths. The weaknesses in the application are also effectively explained and reviewed.
Among the other services available from iPrep Dental is their personal statement editing department where expert editors help their clients to form an effective, well-written and impressive personal statement that helps the application stand out with all the qualities that dental schools are looking for in an ideal candidate.
They have recently partnered with DAT BOOSTER, which is a book of practice questions for the sciences sections of the DAT. The book is comprised of 5 practice exams, each comprised of 40 Biology, 30 General Chemistry, and 30 Organic Chemistry questions. The book was written by experts that scored over 25 on the DAT. The book also offers detailed solutions for each question with tips and hints of how to attack similar questions on the DAT.
The idea of iPrep Dental is that academic credentials are not enough anymore to get into dental school. Without a strong interview where you manage to stand out, you are more likely to be placed on the “wait list”. They coach their students on how to answer even the most challenging, intimidating questions according to what the dental schools look for in an ideal candidate. Their experts are all individuals that were accepted at multiple dental schools and are familiar with the admissions process.
Gold Standard Medical School Interview + MMI DVD
Gold Standard offers a DVD about the interview that is included with their DAT Complete Package as a bonus item. It can also be purchased separately for a small fee. This DVD was created for the medical school interview, but the dental school interview is extremely similar to it and the DVD can be beneficial to you. The 100 minute DVD contains sample dental school interview questions and tips for the interview. It is a good representation of what you can expect at your interview and how to prepare for it.
Dental School Interview Guide
The Dental School Interview Guide is one of the cheapest resources you can purchase to prepare for your interview. Just because it is cheap does not mean it is not useful, this is a great resource and I would recommend it as an affordable guide to help you be more prepared for your interview.
It offers proven tips and tricks, techniques and strategies for dental school interview preparation. It will not only tell you how to dress professionally during dental school interviews, but equip you with the best methods formulated to effectively distinguish yourself from your competitors. Mock interviews, practice questions, and a unique interview preparation methodology can help prepare you for your interview.
The Dental School Interview Guide can help set you apart from other candidates. Make sure to put into practice what the author teaches to get the most out of the guide. This book will put you to work, but that is the only way to practice and be prepared for an interview. It will help you learn more about your strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Some of the information is basic, but there is still helpful advice in the book. It is also available on Amazon Kindle.
Dentistry Interview Questions and Answers with Full Explanations
The Dentistry Interview book provides an up-to-date review of common questions with full answers and pointers on what the interviewers are looking for in a candidate. Scenarios are given in the book to help candidates formulate intelligent answers to questions related to dentistry. There are questions on topics such as: the sciences, ethics, work, education, dentistry, etc. This book was actually written for dental school applicants in the United Kingdom. Not all of the questions and information are relevant for dental schools in the United States. Many points are relevant, however, and it may still be useful to see how questions and answers are phrased to help with formulating a good answer for a tough question. It can be helpful, but remember that not all things in the Dentistry Interview book are relevant.
Perfect Interview
Perfect Interview is an online company similar to iPrep Dental, except they are a much larger company that works with individuals for all types of interviews and not just dental school applicants. They offer resources that allow you to practice answering tough questions while being recorded on webcam and then allowing you to see how you looked and performed during the interview in order to help you prepare for your actual interview. Their Interview Wizard tool allows you to create a custom interview where you can include your own questions, example answers, and tutorials. You can also access their Resume Creator tool to create your own professional resume.
They can provide you with good practice to prepare for your interview, but they don’t offer the customized assistance and feedback that iPrep Dental offers. Many pre-health offices actually have a subscription to Perfect Interview so if you are lucky then you might be able to access it for free. If not then you can also try a free demo of their resources by signing up on their website for a trial subscription.
Getting to the Interview
It’s not cheap traveling to a dental school interview. I’d suggest first reaching out to anyone that you know in the city of your interview and seeing if you will be able to crash with them while you are out at your interview. You can also check with your pre-health office to see if they have any kind of record of current dental students that are alumni of your university and are willing to assist students with lodging or transportation for interviews. If you have no luck with any of those then perhaps try finding a Facebook page of the dental school and reaching out to the dental students on the page to see if anyone is willing to host you for your interview. You can also contact the dental school directly and ask.
Lastly, if you want to read some feedback from dental applicants that have interviewed at dental schools then you can click here. This page on Student Doctor provides brief feedback on the interview from an applicant’s perspective. There is some helpful information available on it, but not all is completely accurate.
Although it was long, I hope that you were able to get a lot of good information out of this post to help you prepare for your dental school interview. Dental school interviews can be a stressful experience, but you can make it a lot less stressful by following the advice I’ve outlined for you in here which will help you to be prepared to CRUSH your interview!
If you have any other questions or any advice that you found to be helpful in preparing for your interviews, then please feel free to comment below!
Here are some tips by ASDA for the dental school interview:
Bryce Welker is an active speaker, blogger, and regular contributor to Forbes, Inc.com, and Business.com where he shares his knowledge to help others boost their careers. Bryce is the founder of more than 20 test prep websites that help students and professionals pass their certification exams.